Orphans Home at “Sagrada Familia Community”
Orphans Home at “Sagrada Familia Community”
After researching dozens of organizations we found La Sagrada Familia, located in Ventanilla, Lima, Peru. This non profit institution gives an integral care of abandoned children exposed to drugs, rape and prostitution. They receive children since they born, the youngest one is 2 month old.
La Sagrada Familia started 20 years ago with two children, today they are 680. This organization only count on donations from companies and individuals, they believe firmly in the human person’s dignity, so they generate their own resources like bakery, carpentry, ceramic and sewing.
La Sagrada Familia needs us.
To have more information about Sagrada Familia visit https://www.facebook.com/ComunidadDeNinosSagradaFamilia/

At the moment these 680 children live in 10 houses designed for a maximum occupancy of 30 children. Each of these houses now double their capacity and this community of orphans and children under abandom need dwewing facilies. Together we can reach the same goal, that is to build a house for these children, they have all the labor through volunteer, but the materials are needed. The cost of material is about $20,000 dollars. We invite you and the institution you represent to contribute with this cause whether is by donating time, resources or money, so we can all together make this dream come true.
2009 – Comunidad de Ninos Sagrada Familia Project
- Sky Side ($ 3,000)
- Anonymous 1: ($ 360)
- Glenayre Elementary School ($ 405)
- Event Grupo 5: ($200)
- Event 28 fr Julio- Sorrow Church: ($312)
- Anonymous 2: ($ 100)
- Anonymous 3: ($ 20)
- Anonymous 4: ($ 100)
- Other: ($40.51)
Total: $ 4,536.51 (to see the wire transfer please
THANK YOU for all your contributions; on October 5, 2009 Little Miracles Foundation sent CA $4,443.26 to La Sagrada Familia – Peru to help them built a new home.
730 Children are now living there, they are sending you their smiles and their thanks.
2010 – La Sagrada Familia Project
In April 2010 La Sagrada Familia got 3 lugage with school suppliers from Canada. Thanks Vancouver!
The children were very happy